After all we've done, how can we know that we're still connected to Hashem?

User Comments:

Epic for sure my favorite one so far! 👍👍👍

🔥🔥🔥 best one yet

I can’t tell you how much this means to me. One and a half minutes of pesukim and I can’t stop crying. Thank you so much for making my day.

Beautiful. So so powerful.

Wow this gave me chills and put tears in my eyes

Thank you so, so much for this one! It gave me the chizuk I really needed.

👍👍great one

Rav Yaakov Klein straight 🔥🔥🔥

What an unbelievable insight to something I say everyday. I never thought of it like that.

Never heard these psukim put down so well

Wow! I loved this one. Such a powerful message. Mode Ani kol boker!

I needed to hear that. Thank you!

Thank you very much ! Great Video !

I can’t tell you how much this means to me. One and a half minutes of pesukim and I can’t stop crying. Thank you so much for making my day. Just saying I’ve watched this eighteen times, and I still can’t believe how emotional I am getting. Thank you for sharing this.

Wow wow wow That’s really comforting as well as such an eye opener. Thank you!

Hands down my favorite so far.

🔥fire, just fire

Great one

Love how the all pesukim fit together so well. Thank you

If I had the time I’d bn watch this 50times in a row

This is incredible I think I want to watch this EVERY morning!!!

Seriously the greatest boost ever, I just keep watching it every day over and over and every time it just hits me harder and harder mamesh gadlus