Most Recent Boost

We never know how we will benefit from doing all that we can.
About the GYE Boost
As any normal human who walks the streets and browses the internet in the 21st century, we all face the challenge of keeping our eyes pure. GYE Boost brings 2-5 minute audio/video clip to your inbox or Whatsapp each morning, to help you start your day insulated and empowered to be the person you really want to be!

"I am a high school teacher and I am looking forward to using the videos in classes. With today's technology, our youth need so much help to stay strong."
"Ashreichem! Everyone is on the spectrum of this challenge in one respect or another. Keep pushing forward to help remove the stigma of talking about kedushas yisrael openly."
"This is a great project. As a Water Safety Instructor, the first thing you learn is: "Prevention is half the cure"."
Shmuel R.
"I love how your messages are universal. I've joined shmiras einayim programs in the past and they felt like only people who are really struggling are in them. This is a reality, and we need to be able to talk about this problem openly without it feeling creepy or weird."
"I enjoy how your messages focus on the positive perspective instead of guilting everyone with fire and brimstone. Thank you for showing us how Chazal guide us to overcome challenges and rise up after failures."
"Thank you for these great Chizuk Broadcasts… Light, positive and informative messages of chizuk are always is in need by everyone."
Yossi G.
"Thank you... You have helped me reclaim some of my purity."
"You are an amazing organization, I had been receiving your Chizuk emails for a long time already, and its כמים קרים על נפש עייפה. Keep it up, Hatzlacha!"
Need More Help?

In a world inundated with temptation, the pioneering work of Guard Your Eyes is leading the efforts to empower the Jewish community to deal with the widespread challenges of inappropriate material on the internet. GuardYourEyes offers powerful programs and techniques for those whose consumption of inappropriate material has become a compulsive habit or an addiction.
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Venishmartem has been created to provide an answer to the digital challenges of today's environment. On this website you will be able to find the most cutting edge filtering & reporting solutions for every common internet enabled device, quickly and easily.
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