This excerpts are deep and an eye opener to me, it brings about the conciousness of guarding my eyes to merit the fullness of our Lord's blessings
This really was inspirational and so useful! It was definitely worth the 2 min of reading?
Absolutely amazing!
"Wow wow wow !!!!
Priceless advice and game changer for life !!!
Thanks a million"
Wow! Amazing lessons to learn from. Thank you GYE for your unbelievable chizuk every day!
Totally worth the less than 2 min read. Powerful!!
Best 2 minutes ever spent in my life!
Haven't followed in a while and this caught my eye - major chizkuk- incredible shkoyach!
The last part very insightful and how to really become an אדם גדול as the things which us bad for your eyes can ruin the way you view yiddishkeit and the way you view torah as well.
"Firstly I have to admit that I initially did not read the last chizzuk text. But then I saw the status updates on how others found it useful and so I had a read.
How inspiring it was!!
I especially got chizzuk from the positive perspective of being a שומר עיניים and the story of R' Nosson was truly inspirational.
In my line of kiruv and Rabbonus some may think that a rabbi does not need this chizzuk. In reality though, the Yetzer Horah tries even harder to bring a Ben Torah down precisely for the reasons mentioned in the text. It is all too easy to loose perspective.
Thank you for the chizzuk and tizku Lemitzvos."
"I really enjoyed the boost 350, comparing it to real life issues. Gashmius we are so careful let's try it with shmiras enayim.
Thank you"
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