Thanks for all what you shared. It helped. Thank you, thank you and thank you again. It's difficult to be unmarried. A wife is the light in the darkest moments. Some may get lured by the daily comfort and forget the shalom bayit... But it's a trap.
Please share more contributions so that the Torah of each Ben Israel helps other Bnei Israel. Maybe someone has a hidden key in someone's life.
Thank you for helping us
Thank you so much GYE!
I am lucky to receive your boosts for already one year. I started just at this parsha with Yossef success against yetser hara. I remember the boost from R' Yaakov Nadel: Yossef succeed because his saw the face of his father, who is also the face under the Kisse hakavod. But Yossef looks like to his father, so he just succeed because he saw that HIS face can be under Kisse hakavod if he pass the test! Let's fight and win our battles! No matter how much we failed, it's our time to grow!
I have a nice mashal that I think will give some chizuk.
Someone was driving down the highway and had to pull over to check if his blinkers were working. He sent his son out who said, " now they're working, now they're not, now they are..." So his father said, " when they turn on and off that means they're working!!
we have days that we're "off" and days that we're "on" but we're working!!
When you see how much you are struggling know it’s because you have such a pure precious soul, and that’s who you really are, the darkness and taava that surrounds the heart is not who we are, use the struggle as a means to see how badly we need Hashem and his mercy at every moment .. and know that every moment that you turn away and turn to the good you are healing worlds that depend on you.. ( based on the teachings of Rebbi Nachman and Rebbi Nosson)
Keep going... The yetzer hora doesn't stop when he fails 😉... He pushes you to fall again and again... You keep strong 💪 again and again... If you fall it doesn't take away of all the times you resisted! Be gentle with yourself! BH as long as we live we need to keep trying...Hashem is seeing it all! You will be rewarded ! Wishing you much Hatzlacha!
It's so important to understand and remember that the goal and reward is for the fighting, NOT for the accomplishing. The success is what we're aiming for, but it's all about the getting up again, and again, and then again! That's what we're living for.
Toda! I like the perspective that struggles are not wasted, I sometimes feel mine are, but they aren’t.
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