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I keep on falling

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User Comments:

Wow I really like this! Thank you!!!

Wow!!! U don't know how much I needed to hear this 🙏 thank you

Really powerful! Thanks so much! I will think about it by Schacharis tomorrow!


Wowwww this was so so powerful! So many times I experience this feeling where I fall and want to good but I keep falling and feeling so down/bad abt myself. This message was the exact message I had to hear! Thanks for sending this video out!

Thank you for this inspiration

This boost was dynamite!!! So powerful! What encouragement! Thank you for saving my life, and I am sure the lives of countless others. Have a good week my brothers.

One of the best videos ever made!!! Thank you so much💪🏾

Thank you for such a powerful chizuk!!!!

Thank you. Im struggling so intensely and right now im just pushing it off a little longer again and again. I needed this today

Wow it was…. No words to explain… Thanks for the chizuk

I literally started tearing up listening to this today!

I just wanted to share - I reached 85 days today!! So incredible that I reached this day, if you asked me three months ago if I would get to this point I'd have laughed in your face.. I'm still going to remain conscious and keep an eye out for triggers and stuff... Just wanted to say thank you for providing a community so I don't feel alone in the struggle, and the daily boosts were a gentle reminder of why I'm working on myself... Thank you so much

Thank you for such wisdom words! Really inspiring message

Wow!!!!! You have no idea what this means to me!! I literally had chills when i watched it! Thank you so much!! Your שכר and זכות is unbelievable!! Keep on this holy and amazing work!!! ❤️❤️❤️