Why couldn't the kings men put Humpty together again?

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User Comments:

This is awesome!!!

Wow. Almost crying by the end of the first watch😂😂😂 End of the second watch crying again😭😭😭 This is amazing. Thanks for sharing

Amazing! What an incredible pshat and insight into the Humpty ...I thought he was going to say that umos haolam and us differ in that they have the approach of perfection and if you fall you can't put it back together but a yids approach is not that way, when we fall which we inevitably will, we believe that we can certainly put ourselves together

I’ll just add to this. That we can put ourselves back together but we can make ourselves even stronger!

Excellent point ... I like his style ... very well thought out :)

Its an interesting take, but perhaps the diyuk is not that the king's horses and men couldn't put him together again - only Humpty himself, but rather the king's horses and men couldn't put him together again - only THE KING Himself!!! At the end of the day, with all of our own calculations and filtering and efforts (which we just do!) what other recourse do we have but tefillah....