"I liked this- what works well for me is to remember that those who look physically attractive are souls who happen to be in those bodies
I strive to see the humanity in the women and that’s the very best antidote I’ve ever found to lust.
It also helps me to know that the bodies I’ve lusted after and still do are flesh and other parts-
I’m on the Chevra chadisha, and have seen hundreds of dead men. All were once attractive and now they’re on the way to decomposition. The same is true for women of course"
Hi I just want to thank you for the 2-minute challenges. They've been really inspirational and finally got me to buy Positive Vision!
Great vort, really inspirational and gave me the chizuk to stand strong right now
"Thank you for sending this!!!!!!!
Despite, learning something of Breslov sforim every day, I have not gotten to likutei tefillot. This is the morning after a fall and I am at a loss of what I can say to Hashem, and you provided it to me (I just happened to finally open this email today). "
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