Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld
Rosh Yeshiva - Beis Dovid

What's the big deal if I don't watch my eyes now, I'll work on it when I get married!

User Comments:

Wow, that was the unbelievable! Great message for klal Yisroel! This is so so true !

"So so powerful!!! And such true words I wish we can get this out to more singles !!!!"

Thank you so much for this! Guys like me who are like me who are looking for Shidduchim need to know this is the secret that will provide us with a great marriage!!

I saw with my own life how when I was busy with looking where I shouldn’t have I could not possibly enjoy my wife (even just life is horrible). I started working very hard the past four months and seeing a whole new appreciation for my wife (I gave up the notion that I will marry someone else).

This is so much the truth it’s unbelievable I’m married for almost 6 years and the more I work on my Shmiras Eiynayim the more I appreciate and love my wife I also thought it would be easier once I was married but it actually was harder BH I work on guarding my eyes every single day and it pays of tremendously in my marriage and life in general thank you for all you do

You have many great speakers but appreciate Rabbi Avi Weisenfeld the most. He just has great things to say that have really helped me change

gives me so much real energized chizuk!

Wow!! I was really inspired! He’s right, people think it disappears once you get married but in most cases it isn’t true!

You have many great speakers but appreciate Rabbi Avi Weisenfeld the most. He just has great things to say that have really helped me change

100% true. I wish I had know this before marriage. More people should be made aware

Thank you. We direct ourselves toward the wrong place - looking won’t satisfy us - NOT LOOKING will.

This is boost #1!!!!!

Wow! So powerful. So true. Such Chizuk.

Wow!! Short and powerful, straight to the point!!!

"Im getting married in 2 weeks and im so glad i spent the last 5 years on gye..... It saved my life"

"Rabbi Wiesenfeld is great and to the point. I wish i would have gotten this lead before getting married. I am trying Shmiras enayim for about 2 years now and manage to appreciate my wife for the person she is. Thank you GYE"

"Amazing! Thanks! I listened bc I saw the feedback on the status Exactly what I needed to hear"